Almond and Hazelnut Vegan Ricotta


  • 100 gr almonds

  • 100 gr hazelnuts

  • 1 L of water 

  • 40 gr of lemon juice

  • Salt (optional)

  • Herbs and edible flowers of you taste (optional)

Steps to make the ricotta-style cheese:

  1. Soak the nuts overnight and then rinse them in the morning.

  2. Blend the nuts with half a litre of water until smooth.

  3. Transfer the mixture to a pot and bring it to a near boil, then turn off the heat.

  4. Pour the mixture into a glass bowl to cool down.

  5. After about 50 minutes, add 40 grams of lemon juice and salt to taste.

  6. Let it cool until lukewarm, then transfer it to a cheesecloth and squeeze out the liquid.

  7. Tie the cheesecloth to a pot to allow the remaining liquid to drain slowly, or squeeze tightly if in a hurry.

  8. Once the liquid is drained, mix in herbs, edible flowers, garlic, or chives to taste.

  9. Shape the mixture into ricotta shapes and refrigerate until cold and firm.

  10. Serve on a wooden board with olive oil and additional herbs or edible flowers as desired.

Enjoy your homemade ricotta-style dairy free cheese!

If you've been following us for a while, you know that we love sharing our knowledge for food as tools for nourishing our bodies, spirits, and Mother Earth.

That's why our Freedom to Create Programme 2024 kicks off on the 2nd of September with the Physical Week.

The Physical Experience, 'Journey into Matter', features hands-on courses with Darko Juric, who will lead the Raw Living and Fermented Food.

Darko is a plant-based chef, restaurant-owner, writer, holistic lifestyle and culinary consultant, coach and educator. From self-taught chef to fermenting enthusiast, he brought innovation throughout his culinary journey.

At this point in his life, he simply wants to share his knowledge and experiences to anyone who is willing to expand their horizons on healthy living and eating.


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