Mental Week
16 - 23*
September 2024
*The first and last days are the check-in and check-out dates.
Family Constellations
Fabrizio Venturi
What is a 'family constellation'? The family constellation can be conceptually summarised as a method of bringing back into individual and collective awareness what has been replaced or dispersed through stressful life conditions, both individually and as a collectivity.
Taking a generic practical example, if a person frequently finds himself in situations where he repeats similarly stressful experiences without being able to make choices that go in the direction of improvement, this is often due to a certain 'heredity' in being in certain situations, as if it were not possible to adopt an individual change as a natural resource, in the direction of the 'reasons for love'.The 'reasons for love' is a concept developed by the father of family constellations, Bert Hellinger, which indicates that the failure to recognise one's past emotional bond very often affects us in the present, causing us to repeat similarly stressful experiences as they were in the family or social past. Often, the effects of such situations, where it may be useful to develop a "family constellation", are that of finding ourselves in situations of relational stress, a sense of incompleteness, difficulty in living our own individual qualities well, and sometimes even a tendency to somatise problems linked
above all to affective experience.
The constellation in the group is implemented through the development of sensory and emotional language by the participants, trying to bring the state of stress or discomfort of the participants into a condition of acceptance and harmony; all this takes place through group movements until each member of the group feels comfortable in their position.