Bruno di Loreto Wurms is a lecturer in Transpersonal Naturopathy at the Institute of Global Medicine in Padua. A scholar of the phenomena of consciousness, he works as a trainer in various educational and community settings. He actively contributes to the formation of local and global networks for the radical redefinition of the reference values of contemporary civilisation. He is a militant disseminator of the Culture of Ecosophy within which the visions of Deep Ecology and Environmental Ecology merge. He strives for all beings to be happy.

(Regulated professional under Law No. 4/2013.)

Carole Ardigò Kinesiologist, Holistic Counselor Trainer, Holistic Practitioner. She holds individual sessions and training courses aimed at the profound expression and realisation of everyone's talents. She believes in the creative potential of a complex era such as the one we are living in that offers the opportunity to create a new evolutionary paradigm. Her work emphasises the ability of all beings to return to a full and conscious connection with the One. She conducts experiential Ecosophy seminars. She is active in initiating and supporting networks of the Common Good.

(Enrolled in the professional register of SIAF Holistic Counsellor Trainers, code LO513T-CO; enrolled in the professional register of Holistic Practitioners Profesional, code LO282P-OP Professional regulated under Law no. 4/2013.).

Embark on an explorative journey in their course Discovering the Beyond, part of the Freedom to Create programme.