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Heart & Sun: Astrology, a framework for Authentic Living with Faye Blake

About the course

Each one of us comes to this life with unique gifts. We are supposed to give these gifts to the world, however we can get side-tracked. Through trying to fit in, or by following outside authority figures, such as parents, family, friends, school-teachers or bosses, we are not free and it is easy to forget our soul’s purpose. As Michael Meade states in ‘Fate and Destiny’, we fail to find the unique path our souls would have us walk. 

By understanding the Sun in astrology…

… we can reconnect with what truly makes our hearts sing. The Sun represents the centre, the heart. Creation from the heart, makes us happy. We can discover our true purpose, which acts as a guiding principle for anything we wish to manifest in the world. 

Together with you, Faye will help you explore what the Sun represents in your personal horoscope. You will be encouraged to write a description of what themes are important. What are you ‘called’ to do in this life? 

For this she needs you birth date, place and time. 

What on earth is going on in the world?

Astrology is the study of time. What is the current situation in the world? The planets can add clarity to our understanding of world events. Faye will discuss planetary cycles to try to make sense of what is going on now. How can we contribute to a more positive future? The planets can give good advice as to what we can do to make the world a better place. The world is at an important point in planetary development. What we do and decide now really matters! 

This weekly course is within ‘Freedom To Create’ programme. Whether you join for single week(s) or commit to the full 11-week programme, you'll learn to think freely, feel deeply, and see the world with newfound clarity.

25 September

The Art of Visual Journaling with Carlotta Parisi

2 October

Fervida the Microorganism for your health, create your natural remedies with Lara Fondelli